“Just living isn't enough," said the butterfly,
"one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
- Hans Christian Anderson

Rejuvenate at a Wellness Resort in India

We live in a world that connects us across continents, yet we don’t know our neighbours. Almost everything is automated, yet we don’t have time for ourselves. We at Rakkh help you to de-stress and disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with your inner self. Most amazing Spa treatments are offered by our professional staff to pamper and provide you the "me" time you deserve. Our certified yoga trainer helps you stretch, flex and meditate. We truly help you regenerate and rejuvenate.

Baanka spa

Baanka, our exclusive spa works on the principle of enhancing the sensory experience of guests helping them unwind, relax and rejuvenate restoring the beauty of body and the calm of mind. A team of talented therapists pamper you with Aromatherapy, Swedish, Balinese, Deep Tissue, Thai massages and reflexology for a complete sense of wellbeing.

 Dharamshala Resort Spa and Yoga
 Dharamshala Resort Spa and Yoga

Discover our

Being located in the Devbhoomi of Himachal Pradesh, Rakkh Resort is the ideal destination for Yoga. Expert teachers from Kaya Kalp Center offer lessons on-demand for all, be it a novice or advanced practitioner at Rakkh. Breathe in the fresh mountain air as you dive deep into pranayama, let the cool mountain breeze caress and guide you as you flow through the asanas with the tranquillity of the valleys and peaks intensifying your meditation.  

Digital Detox

“You can take all the pictures you want, but you can never
relive the moment the same way.”
― Audrey Regan

Closed For Spiritual Maintenance!

We have created a Jolly All Awesome Network or JAAN for you powered by the warm sunshine of clear blue skies and cool breeze of mountains (completely eco-friendly) which is wireless and spread over all of Kangra valley with human repeaters broadcasting signals with beaming smiles at every street corner allowing you to access Actual Reality (AR) with full-spectrum haptic feedback while you indulge in JAAN games and adventures, with high-resolution 3D non-screens rendering true colours and more augmented by True Intelligence (TI) creating memories for a lifetime.

T&C Apply
JAAN is incompatible with 2G, 3G, 4G, DTH.
You can log in to the network only by signing up to live a full and active life.



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fun experiences at Rakkh Resort Palampur

Why should you not visit Rakkh?

Well, for starters it's the land kept by Gods. So if you have not been a ‘good boy’ then you might anger the gods...

Ghamrota Village Post Office Ballah, Tehsil Palampur, Near Dharamshala, District Kangra, Jiun, Himachal Pradesh 176061
For Reservations: +91 6230946961, +91 8448341200